Monday, April 23, 2012

Daydreaming of Babylon

Remains of the Wall of Babylon
"...Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do." (Found in the book of Genesis)

The Babylonians were on to something. They had come up with a dream to build a tower that would reach the heavens. They had imagined this. They wanted it. Nothing could restrain them from succeeding in their desires. The only force that was able to stop them as God himself. That's amazing. 

Personally, I want to make a different in the younger generation. I want to be that person they run to for help. I want to be a pillar of wisdom. I want to be called "freak" by some and
"inspiration" by others. I want to be for Him, for life. 

Walt Disney started with a duck sketch....his name is worth billions of dollars.
The Wright Brothers started with a glider...there are about 5000 planes in the air every hour.
The Babylonians started with mortar...and built the town to reach heaven.

If you never imagine it, you can't have it. Imagining is the beginning of motivation, determination and perseverance. It's the foundation of true success. 

What have you imagined for yourself? Take sometime to daydream today.

Friday, April 20, 2012

The Naked Mentality

   “Naked I came from my mother’s womb,
   and naked I will depart.
The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away;
   may the name of the LORD be praised.” (In the second chapter of the book of Job)

I don't know about you, but when my days are hard and my nights frustrating I tend to grumble profanities or curl up on the couch to cry. Sometimes I listen to metal music and eat a lot of chocolate as I wallow in my misery. Well, I've been reading this book, Job, for the past however many weeks. I've noticed that this book is a manual to overcoming the urge to yield to self pity. This guy, Job, experienced so much misfortune. He lost his house, his family; his entire life was turned upside down, put through a metaphorical shredder and burnt into ashes. YET, he never suffered from depression or chronic anxiety. He didn't have to go to numerous counseling sessions with his psychologist or call a suicide prevention hotline. 

He had this "naked mentality", this understanding, this comprehension regarding his life's situation; when he came on this earth he had nothing. He realized that the only thing he had when his little butt arrived on planet earth was God. He knew who his provider was. Instead of cussing and cutting himself, he praised. He proactively avoided the natural tendency to feel completely crushed. Maybe I'll try the naked approach to my circumstance next time. 

Monday, April 16, 2012

In Parked Cars There are Big Ears and Tight Lips

We pull into a parking lot and instead of getting out we talk. It happens almost every time. We talk about the deepest things (publishable material that can change lives) or the most pointless of topics (like the things you see in SNL). We cried together, (or maybe I've cried). We laugh. We holler. We joke. We contemplate. We relate.

They have this ability to listen to everything I have to say. There are times when my thoughts are completely off or my conclusions are very much tainted. Yet, they never judge, degrade, or disregard my ideas. They sit there as I talk about how I don't understand why things are a certain way or how confused I feel in a specific situation and they nod in response. 

But it's easy to find a listener. It's difficult to find a secret keeper. Not only do they listen but they retain what I tell them. It's a beautiful thing, having someone in which to confide. That's true friendship:

Being able to sit in a parked car for extended amounts of time and let it all out without worrying if your business will race around town after the fact. 

There's this friend, whenever we go out together this thing happens.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

I Too Tell You What I Know

There's this idea, this stereotype, this generalization that gets thrown out at me at times:
Teenagers are immature, naive, and self-centered individuals who can't manage money or make level headed decisions. 

Sometimes I wish I fit into that cookie cutter image of a teen. Life would be so much "easier". I would experience fewer stresses and live with more freedoms. I read this monologue in my bible today.A young man who didn't quite fit society's idea of a teen shares: 

 “I am young in years, 

   and you are old; 

that is why I was fearful, 
   not daring to tell you what I know. 
I thought, ‘Age should speak; 
   advanced years should teach wisdom.’ 
But it is the spirit in a person, 
   the breath of the Almighty, that gives them understanding.It is not only the old who are wise, 
   not only the aged who understand what is right.Therefore I say: Listen to me; 
   I too will tell you what I know.I waited while you spoke, 
   I listened to your reasoning; 
while you were searching for words..." (found in the book of Job) 
My age doesn't limit that amount of wisdom I can attain. It's not just the old folks who have wisdom. How much wisdom I have is based on my spirit. So I'm sorry if I'm less carefree and a little more focused than most people my age, but my spirit gives me understanding. 

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The Object of My Affections

There’s a poem to carve
One that can illustrate
But every time I endeavor
The words don’t generate
A poem that articulates
Just how much You mean to me.

1 John 3:1 

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Eat Music Notes For Breakfast and You'll Look Slimmer

I've realized that what I wanted, is not, what I wanted....

In early February I signed up for this computer program that would allow me access to unlimited music from tons of different genres for one flat price on a monthly basis. I thought it was such a great investment; so much music for one monthly price. How could I say no?! I have a huge passion for music. I should take advantage of having the world of song at my fingertips. (Yes, I am a sucker for those quirky little deals). Today, being the first of the month and the day the automatic credit card payment was to go though to the music company, I received an email saying my account has been renewed.  I realized something. I have spent enough money on music to buy a good amount of groceries. My priorities are a little off. Music is definitely my life's rhythm, but there are times when one has to ask themselves, "what's really important at this point?" And act on it. So I'm cancelling by subscription to this library of music. 

The reason for this blog entry isn't to tell the world about how I regret using my grocery money on music. There's something a little deeper. I'm talking about misplaced priorities. I made a swift decision that should be reconsidered. A lot of times we think that something is what we want only to find out that it really wasn't what we wanted for ourselves. It could be that unlimited music library that takes away from your food budget, or that chocolate cake after you've already ate an entire meal, or that person you know isn't the one God has for you but you go for it anyway, or that friend you associate yourself with who isn't the best influence, or allowing yourself to get into a conversation that isn't really appropriate. It's easy to loose sight of priorities. Thankfully there are things such as "unsubscribe" buttons that give us the chance to redeem ourselves.