Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Energy Drink Effect

"Monster" Energy Drink
I can recall one specific time I had this Monster energy drink. I was doing laundry with a friend. Boy, was I hyper. I was talking a mile a minute and every little thing that entered into my brain would stumble out of my mouth. I was brave, I was happy, I was gitty. My friend promised never to allow me to drink a can of that green liquid in her presence. It's intense effect on me shocked her. (oh, but it was so much fun!)

Ever have experiences in life that have the "energy drink effect" on you? There are those experiences that you just can't write down, that renew your faith in faith, that can bring you back to believing. They challenge your outlook. They  give you a healthy doze of motivation and "never give up". We live for these moments of renewal and clarification; those times when everything becomes easy and you find that passion once again. 

Psalms 4:7
"You have put gladness in my heart, More than in the season that their grain and wine increased." 

Sounds a lot like an energy drink to me. 

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Hello Life, You Seem A Little Difficult

A picture I took while walking and thinking.
I've had a monstrous amount of things on my mind lately:

money, college, job, work, skills, school, grades, moving, car insurance, friends......
decisions, morals, values, drinking, smoking, art, voting.....
being an adult, driving, car, tuition, application, relationships, love, independence, boys, plans.....
God, destiny, callings, praying, volunteering, missions, laundry, responsibilities, style, modesty, standards....
fun, entertainment, Facebook, social life, church, and eating.....

Dealing with the combination of all these thoughts has become overwhelming at times (This is why I haven't blogged in a while). Sometimes I am so concerned about everything I start to tear up. I want to have control of everything; yet, at the same time, I don't want to have the responsibility of controlling anything. (These are truly the times I should reach for God.)

I see teens my age goofing off when it comes to school, watching television for hours at a time without a care in the world and doing whatever, whenever; carefree.  I should be proud to say I have a better perspective; a deeper revelation about life, but, in all honestly, I just feel old. There are days I feel OLD. When did all these concerns creep up on me?! Man, they are sneaky. And frustrating. And...(Let's give it to God).

My dad calls it "being mature".

Yet, when you see a group of kids sitting on the side of the road while you're on your way home from a night's work you don't really say, "Hm, they are just immature young people who haven't gotten a grip on responsibility yet." You think, "I must be getting older." proceeded by a bummed look on your face.

BUT, the concerns, struggles and all those things that have me feeling old now, will make me wiser! So for now, I need to keep saying, "Hello Life, you look difficult, but you will also make me wise."

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

That Shiny Metal Cookie Cutter

We try so hard to make them happy

So hard
to think in our own way
Self Confident

"Goodbye we don't need you"

But who wants to be accepted for being the same as them;

So here we are trying to be
To stand on our own
And Disregard
That pressure to be Identical.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Got To Love Those Darn Holy Rollers

I sometimes receive arguments like this one: 

"There are so many rules in the Bible: from how to dress to how to behave, to how to react and what to do with your life. Who in the world would want to live by a book of restrictions and regulations!? Why do you subject yourself to that? It's stressful and disconnects you from what's happening around you. It keeps you from experiencing life." 

There are times when people won't understand. From their point of view you're a naive individual with legalistic ideas. They don't comprehend that it's not the rules and guidelines your following. It's God.

"Just make an exception."

My faith is such a huge part of ME, it's virtually impossible for me to ignore it's impact on my way of life. Decisions are make by it and Life is defined by it. I look to the Bible to help me distinguish the best wait to be myself.

"You're missing out on experiencing life."

That Bible, is Life. To reject it would be to reject Life.
I can't let that book go. I can't. I won't. I'm a bible banger.

My argument:

Is it possible to live complete without knowing that there's a greater purpose for their existence? When you're not sure what to do, what thing to go for or what to let alone, where do you look for answers?! Is it you that determines what's right and wrong?! That mass murder-er thought he was doing something right... A life that's rule-less and reckless, doesn't sound appealing. Sorry.

The day, when life without the Bible turns into something better than what it's like WITH it I'll considering letting it collect dust.

Here's everything and nothing about the Bible in a minute! Enjoy.