Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Something Drastic

As I sit here thinking about what to write for my very first blog entry I find myself trying to find something cunning and profound that would have the ability to blow people away. HA! Not going to happen. So, instead I'll just write and let the profoundness take care of itself.

February of last year was a time of complete renovation of myself; my life, my heart, my lifestyle and my beliefs. My second life had been uncovered and I didn't know who I was anymore. I was at a point where I was like,

"I'm going to screw things up again if I don't do something to make a change."

I shared with my mother, one morning,

"I just need something drastic to happen in my life"

I then gave her a list of things that I could do; start a business, go to military school, live with someone who would watch me 24/7, get a job or live with my Grandparents in Paraguay.

I was serious. I needed something drastic. My mother responded with, "Pray and ask God."

I was a little disappointed. God and I weren't on a best friend basis at that point. I didn't feel like having a heart to heart with him, but I trusted my mom. She had remained strong and stable through all my mess and I had a massive amount of respect for her.

So I prayed.

No lie, a week later our family was on our way to a year long missions trip to Haiti.

An answer to prayer?

As of now, I've been in Haiti 8 months.

That was something drastic.

Here's the aftermath...