Friday, June 17, 2011

Building a House of Clouds

Wouldn't it be lovely if we could just Google search our future? Type in some "keywords" and BANG! in Wikipedia there's an entry called "Ceci's Future".

With school out of the way(summer vacation!!), now is the time to plan, figure out, envision, decide and seek. These are the weeks whose nights leave me lying in bed for hours in thought about how to organize my future. Questions.... Obscurity, not stress, just confusion.
It's a process that takes more than seconds to complete, in fact, no one knows how long "future finding" takes; for some it's a day, for others weeks or years. When trying to find your future you're literally discovering a mesh of ideas and plans that, at the time, are completely invisible and theoretical. It's like trying to make a house out of nothing but clouds.

My dad made a good point this morning (as I shared with him my MANY thoughts about my future). He basically said If finding one's future was that easy (as easy as a Google search) there would be no reason for Faith. Faith is the element that makes all those invisible ideas easier to understand. Faith makes the future something we can believe.

Pray for Faith because Faith makes the Future less cloudy.

1 comment:

  1. That was a really good post, and not just because you mentioned me.

    Remember, your supply, even your 'future supply' is in the Spirit.

