Friday, August 5, 2011


What do you give 67 children as a gift to make then feel special and loved, that doesn't cost a lot?


And might I say, I have never seen stickers handed out in a more orderly fashion;

My mom had them line up in a single file. She sat at a table with a notebook and a bag of stickers that had been pre-cut, by her, into groups of 20. One by one they stepped in front of the table and chose their stickers. Next, my mom would smile and say, "Mete non ou la" (Put your name there) and she handed them a pen and pointed to the notebook. They would proudly scribble their name and skip away. You see, once your name is on the notebook you can't get in line again and say you didn't get any stickers. After one hour, the end result; everyone with 20 stickers on their faces and clothes and no one with 40.

After 11 months here we finally got it figured out!


  1. OH my gosh! how brilliant!!!! way to be awsome!!!!! Julie should have tried that when we handed out Hair pieces. THAT WAS INSANE! lol

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