Thursday, December 1, 2011

Pieces of Peace

Estherline has this toy-kit-pet-shop thing. And, man does it have a lot of small, tiny, itty bitty, little pieces! When I watch her play, all those ant sized kitties and teacups are a peculiar sight, but oddly enough, she can sit and play with that shinky dink world for quite sometime. The look on her face is one of peace. All those miniature kitties and teacups allow her to relax....and chill. Strange, but true.

Anyway, this got me thinking, about peace. I know if I were to try and find peace in those small toys I wouldn't find it, even it I rearranged them for hours (like she does).  I decided to do some scripture diving into the subject of peace. I found this scripture:

Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times 
and in every way. The Lord be with all of you.

Though finding peace in little toy pieces is totally valid (for a 9 year old girl) there is a source of peace that is available to every single one of us.

The Lord.

And trust me, allowing the Lord to be the giver of peace is something we all can do and makes more sense than searching for peace by playing  with a billion little plastic cupcakes. 

1 comment:


    You had that stupid little Madeline Tea Set which you ALWAYS were playing with. I WISH it was plastic! NO. Ceramic. Clank. Tink. PING!

    You used to have tea with the CAT!

    Are you kidding me right now?!? You SO were able to find your peace in those little pieces.

    The noisiness of the clinking ceramic was only redeemed by the fact that you weren't walking around singing opera off-key.

    OK. So now you're all grown and need God to find peace. Yes! We did something right.

    Love you.

    [That was so much fun to comment on.....]
